Manufacturing and Modular Assembly Services

Providing custom solutions that enhance efficiency and innovation.

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Manufacturing and Modular Assembly Services

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Wolverine Assemblies (WA) provides complete manufacturing and modular assembly solutions. Product labeling, packaging, finished goods storage and direct shipping are also available.

Whether it is an assembly project with a few thousand pieces or a complete production line, WA has the capacity to handle the most demanding projects. A lean cost structure and dedicated workforce enables WA to provide cost-effective manufacturing and modular assembly services that help companies quickly respond to the peaks and valleys of demand.

Benefits of outsourcing manufacturing and modular assembly processes to us:

  • Reduces number of vendors
  • Gain access to additional production capabilities
  • Reduce and control operating costs
  • Dedicated project manager
  • Cut payroll costs
  • Provides access to expertise not available internally
  • Improved flexibility
  • Frees internal resources for other purposes

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